- Hubkey, Baldridge, and Kaminski's field trip is on March 14.
- Becerra and Torres will have thier field trip on March 15.
- Students need to be at school on time. We will be leaving shortly after 8:00 am.
- They need to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
- Students will not need their backpacks that day.
- We will be placing their aquarium t-shirts over their regular clothes.
- Please have your child bring a sack lunch with their name on it. (No carbonated drinks please.)
- Do not send money with your child. We will not be visiting the souvenir shop or the snack bar.
- If you are chaperoning and would like to take your child home, you will need to fill out a release form before we leave school.
- We will be returning to school around 4:30 - 5:00 depending on traffic.
- There will not be return bus service for students, so please make the necessary arrangements to have you child picked when we return.