Saturday, August 22, 2015

RES Kindergarten Bus Loading Procedures

Kindergartners are walked to the bus loading area by teachers. They are lined up by bus number and are kept separate from the other grade level lines. When the bus arrives, a teacher will walk them to the bus and they are loaded first. We do this for their safety and protection. Siblings are not allowed to take a kindergartner out of the line to their area. They have to board the bus separately. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Back to School Night Time Change

The Kindergarten Back-to-School night time is 5:00 - 5:30. 

Please be aware that the other grade levels meet after our time and will need the parking space.

See you there!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Parent Pick-Up

Thank you parents, for being patient during Parent Pick-Up. It does take a LONG time, I know. But, for your child's safety, I need to know that every child is going home with the right adult.

I promise, it will get faster. I will recognize faces with names and be able to call your child quicker.

Thank you again for your patience.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

RES Kindergarten Meet and Greet

This year's "RES Kindergarten Meet and Greet" will take place on Monday August 10th at 2 PM.

The purpose of this event is to provide families with information that will make the transition to Kindergarten as smooth as possible. Not only will it provide students the opportunity to meet their teacher, parents will also receive information on the following:
  • Who your child's teacher will be.
  • Where the classroom is located.
  • What to expect on the first day of school.
  • What students will need to bring to school.
  • Drop off and release procedures.
  • A brief overview of classroom expectations.

Release Procedures